Thank you for stopping by! How can we help?

  • Service Call?

    Wiring problems? Have questions about lighting, dimming, vehicle charging, generators, surge protection, home automation and more? We can help. Reach out for a free estimate.

  • Residential Services...

    We’ve done it all; re-wires, remodels or high-end residential construction. We can execute your plan or help design a plan tailored to your style.

  • Commercial Services...

    We can do that too! Licensed commercially in both Idaho and Washington, let us help with our extensive experience in restaurants, retail spaces, studios and office spaces.

  • About Me.

    Dusty was born and raised in North Idaho. A Master Electrician with over 20 years of experience, he’s ready to show you why Phase Electric is a cut above…

  • Our Mission:

    Professional, licensed, experienced and trustworthy. What else would you need? Well, pride in our appearance is very important as well! We have well-kept vans and employees.

  • Reviews!

    Have we worked for you? Let us, and the rest of our future clients know how we did!